
Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook

Key hash is secure encrypted key created by mobile application developer from his own computer system. Key hash authenticates the information between your application and Facebook server. Adding key hash in Facebook developers console is mandatory and if you want to use the Facebook Login in your android mobile application then you have to add the key hash. In this tutorial we would Generate Release key hash for Facebook Login in Android devices. We would generate the key has in our windows system. Using this tutorial you can generate key hash in any windows system. So let’s get started :).

Contents in this project Generate Release key hash for Facebook Login in Android App in Windows System:

  • Aug 29, 2015 I will Show you Today How to get Development Key Hashes and Release Key Hash for android app Facebook very easly Requirements 1) we need to know path of keytool.exe for me C: Program Files Java.
  • Nov 23, 2018  There are a couple of ways to generate this: A) Faster way: Open Android Studio. Open your Project. Click on Gradle (From Right Side Panel, you will see Gradle Bar) Click on Refresh (Click on Refresh from Gradle Bar, you will see List Gradle scripts of your Project) Click on Your Project (Your Project Name from List (root)).
  • May 18, 2013  There are two processes to generate Facebook hash-key. One is from command prompt and another via code. Process 1(Command prompt): 3. Firstly, open your cmd prompt and change your directory to your java jdk path.

Android Generate Key Hash For Facebook

Oct 29, 2016 To authenticate the exchange of information between your app and the Facebook, you need to generate a release key hash and add this to the Android settings within your Facebook App ID. Without this, your Facebook integration may not work properly when you release your app to the store.

1. Download Open SSL software from Google Code.

2. Extract the OpenSSL in your C drive like i did in below screenshot.

3. Now you need to locate the debug.keystore

Generate Key Hash Android Facebook

file which will be present in your .androidGenerate Hash Key Android Application Facebook folder. Location of .android folder is C:UsersYourUserName.android . Simply copy the debug.keystore file.

4. Now we need to paste the copied debug.keystore file into your JDK’S BIN folder. My JDK’s bin folder is located at C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_92bin . Paste the copied file here.

5. Start Command Prompt as Run as Administrator mode & Open the JDK’S bin folder in CMD.

6. Paste the below line of code and press enter. It will ask you a password so enter android as password.

keytool-exportcert-alias androiddebugkey-keystore debug.keystore>c:opensslbindebugkey.txt

7. Next step is to open the OpenSSL’s bin folder in command prompt. Like i did in below screenshot.

8. Now execute below command.