
Python Manage Py Generate_secret_key

Mar 28, 2019  $ python manage.py startapp Crud So far, we have a directory structure like this Open the settings.py file to specify the allowed hosts as. Django generate-secret-key application. Simple Django application that adds a new command: python manage.py generatesecretkey -replace secretkey.txt This will generate a new file secretkey.txt containing a random Django secret key. In your production settings file, replace the hardcoded key. Writing custom django-admin commands¶. Applications can register their own actions with manage.py.For example, you might want to add a manage.py action for a Django app that you’re distributing. In this document, we will be building a custom closepoll command for the polls application from the tutorial. To do this, add a management/commands directory to the. /usr/bin/python python manage.py runserverplus. See python is there twice, this causes the debugger to try to load python.main. How did you find the debug config that you used? Karthiknadig added area:Settings Question labels Oct 2. Hi everyone, I'm very interesting to try that in our django project Epitome. @ndarville, @SEJeff and everyone thank you for writing this code. The reason I need this is because I am developing a script to automate installation in linux distributions.


Python Manage Py Generate_secret_key Download

Django-common consists of the following things:

  • A middleware that makes sure your web-app runs either on or without 'www' in the domain.
  • A SessionManagerBase base class, that helps in keeping your session related code object-oriented and clean! See session.py for usage details.
  • An EmailBackend for authenticating users based on their email, apart from username.
  • Some custom db fields that you can use in your models including a UniqueHashField and RandomHashField.
  • Bunch of helpful functions in helper.py
  • A render_form_field template tag that makes rendering form fields easy and DRY.
  • A couple of dry response classes: JsonResponse and XMLResponse in the django_common.http that can be used in views that give json/xml responses.

Python Manage Py Generate_secret_key Form


  • Install django_common (ideally in your virtualenv!) using pip or simply getting a copy of the code and putting it in a directory in your codebase.

  • Add django_common to your Django settings INSTALLED_APPS:

  • Add the following to your settings.py with appropriate values:

    • IS_DEV
    • IS_PROD
    • WWW_ROOT
  • Add common_settings to your Django settings TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:

  • Add EmailBackend to the Django settings AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS:

  • Add WWWRedirectMiddleware if required to the list of middlewares:

  • Scaffolds / ajax_form.js (ajax forms) etc. require jQuery

Scaffolding feature

  1. Installing

To get scaffold just download scaffold branch of django-common, add it to INSTALLED_APPS and set up SCAFFOLD_APPS_DIR in settings.

Default is set to main app directory. However if you use django_base_project you must set up this to SCAFFOLD_APPS_DIR = 'apps/'.

  1. Run

To run scaffold type:

APPNAME is app name. If app does not exists it will be created.MODELNAME is model name. Just enter model name that you want to create (for example: Blog, Topic, Post etc). It must be alphanumerical. Only one model per run is allowed!

[fields] - list of the model fields.

  1. Field types

Available fields:

All fields requires name that is provided after : sign, for example:

Two fields foreign and decimal requires additional parameters:

  • 'foreign' as third argument takes foreignkey model, example:

NOTICE: All foreign key models must alread exist in project. User and Group model are imported automatically.

  • decimal field requires two more arguments max_digits and decimal_places, example:

NOTICE: To all models scaffold automatically adds two fields: update_date and create_date.

  1. How it works?

Scaffold creates models, views (CRUD), forms, templates, admin, urls and basic tests (CRUD). Scaffold templates are using two blocks extending from base.html:

So be sure you have your base.html set up properly.

Scaffolding example usage

Let's create very simple forum app. We need Forum, Topic and Post model.

  • Forum model

Forum model needs just one field name:

  • Topic model

Topics are created by site users so we need: created_by, title and Forum foreign key (update_date and create_date are always added to models):

  • Post model

Last one are Posts. Posts are related to Topics. Here we need: title, body, created_by and foreign key to Topic:

All data should be in place!

Now you must add forum app to INSTALLED_APPS and include app in urls.py file by adding into urlpatterns:

Now syncdb new app and you are ready to go:

Python Manage Py Generate_secret_key Free

Run your server:

And go to forum main page:

All structure are in place. Now you can personalize models, templates and urls.

At the end you can test new app by runing test:

Happy scaffolding!

Generation of SECRET_KEY

Sometimes you need to generate a new SECRET_KEY so now you can generate it using this command:

$ python manage.py generate_secret_key

Sample output:

$ python manage.py generate_secret_key

SECRET_KEY: 7,=_3t?n@'wV=p`ITIA6'CUgJReZf?s:`f~Jtl#2i=i^z%rCp-

Optional arguments

  1. --length - is the length of the key default=50
  2. --alphabet - is the alphabet to use to generate the key default=ascii letters + punctuation symbols

Django settings keys

  • DOMAIN_NAME - Domain name, 'www.example.com'
  • WWW_ROOT - Root website url, 'https://www.example.com/'
  • IS_DEV - Current environment is development environment
  • IS_PROD - Current environment is production environment

This open-source app is brought to you by Tivix, Inc. ( http://tivix.com/ )



  • Change for Django 2.X


  • Change for Django 1.10 - render() must be called with a dict, not a Context


  • Django 1.10 support
  • README.txt invalid characters fix
  • Add support for custom user model in EmailBackend
  • Fixes for DB fields and management commands


  • compatability code moved to compat.py
  • generate_secret_key management command.
  • Fix relating to https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17627, package name change.
  • Pass form fields with HiddenInput widget through render_form_field
  • string.format usage / other refactoring / more support for Python 3


  • PEP8 codebase cleanup.
  • Improved python3 support.
  • Django 1.8 support.


  • Added python3 support.


  • Changed mimetype to content_type in class JsonReponse to reflect Django 1.7 deprecation.


  • Django 1.7 compatability using simplejson as fallback


  • Added support for attaching content to emails manually (without providing path to file).
  • Added LoginRequiredMixin


  • Added support for Django 1.5
  • Added fixes in nested inlines
  • Added support for a multi-select checkbox field template and radio button in render_form_field
  • Added Test Email Backend for overwrite TO, CC and BCC fields in all outgoing emails
  • Added Custom File Email Backend to save emails as file with custom extension
  • Rewrote fragments to be Bootstrap-compatible


  • root_path deprecated in Django 1.4+


  • Added self.get_inline_instances() usages instead of self.inline_instances
  • Changed minimum requirement to Django 1.4+ because of the above.


  • Added nested inline templates, js and full ajax support. Now we can add/remove nested fields dynamically.
  • JsonpResponse object for padded JSON
  • User time tracking feature - how long the user has been on site, associated middleware etc.
  • @anonymous_required decorator: for views that should not be accessed by a logged-in user.
  • Added EncryptedTextField and EncryptedCharField
  • Misc. bug fixes
Latest version


Common things every Django app needs!

Project description

Django-common consists of the following things:
- A middleware that makes sure your web-app runs either on or without 'www' in the domain.
- A ``SessionManagerBase`` base class, that helps in keeping your session related code object-oriented and clean! See session.py for usage details.
- An ``EmailBackend`` for authenticating users based on their email, apart from username.
- Some custom db fields that you can use in your models including a ``UniqueHashField`` and ``RandomHashField``.
- Bunch of helpful functions in helper.py
- A ``render_form_field`` template tag that makes rendering form fields easy and DRY.
- A couple of dry response classes: ``JsonResponse`` and ``XMLResponse`` in the django_common.http that can be used in views that give json/xml responses.
- Install django_common (ideally in your virtualenv!) using pip or simply getting a copy of the code and putting it in a directory in your codebase.
- Add ``django_common`` to your Django settings ``INSTALLED_APPS``::
# ..
- Add the following to your settings.py with appropriate values:
- Add ``common_settings`` to your Django settings ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS``::
# ..
- Add ``EmailBackend`` to the Django settings ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``::
- Add ``WWWRedirectMiddleware`` if required to the list of middlewares::
# ..
- Scaffolds / ajax_form.js (ajax forms) etc. require jQuery
Scaffolding feature
1. Installing
To get scaffold just download ``scaffold`` branch of django-common, add it to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and set up ``SCAFFOLD_APPS_DIR`` in settings.
Default is set to main app directory. However if you use django_base_project you must set up this to ``SCAFFOLD_APPS_DIR = 'apps/'``.
2. Run
To run scaffold type::
python manage.py scaffold APPNAME --model MODELNAME [fields]
APPNAME is app name. If app does not exists it will be created.
MODELNAME is model name. Just enter model name that you want to create (for example: Blog, Topic, Post etc). It must be alphanumerical. Only one model per run is allowed!
[fields] - list of the model fields.
3. Field types
Available fields::
char - CharField
text - TextField
int - IntegerFIeld
decimal -DecimalField
datetime - DateTimeField
foreign - ForeignKey
All fields requires name that is provided after ``:`` sign, for example::
char:title text:body int:posts datetime:create_date
Two fields ``foreign`` and ``decimal`` requires additional parameters:
- 'foreign' as third argument takes foreignkey model, example::
foreign:blog:Blog, foreign:post:Post, foreign:added_by:User
NOTICE: All foreign key models must alread exist in project. User and Group model are imported automatically.
- decimal field requires two more arguments ``max_digits`` and ``decimal_places``, example::
NOTICE: To all models scaffold automatically adds two fields: update_date and create_date.
4. How it works?
Scaffold creates models, views (CRUD), forms, templates, admin, urls and basic tests (CRUD). Scaffold templates are using two blocks extending from base.html::
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block page-title %} {% endblock %}
{% block conent %} {% endblock %}
So be sure you have your base.html set up properly.
Scaffolding example usage
Let's create very simple ``forum`` app. We need ``Forum``, ``Topic`` and ``Post`` model.
- Forum model
Forum model needs just one field ``name``::
python manage.py scaffold forum --model Forum char:name
- Topic model
Topics are created by site users so we need: ``created_by``, ``title`` and ``Forum`` foreign key (``update_date`` and ``create_date`` are always added to models)::
python manage.py scaffold forum --model Topic foreign:created_by:User char:title foreign:forum:Forum
- Post model
Last one are Posts. Posts are related to Topics. Here we need: ``title``, ``body``, ``created_by`` and foreign key to ``Topic``::
python manage.py scaffold forum --model Post char:title text:body foreign:created_by:User foreign:topic:Topic
All data should be in place!
Now you must add ``forum`` app to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and include app in ``urls.py`` file by adding into urlpatterns::
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^', include('forum.urls')),
Now syncdb new app and you are ready to go::
python manage.py syncdb
Run your server::
python manage.py runserver
And go to forum main page::
All structure are in place. Now you can personalize models, templates and urls.
At the end you can test new app by runing test::
python manage.py test forum
Creating test database for alias 'default'..
Ran 7 tests in 0.884s
Happy scaffolding!
Generation of SECRET_KEY
Sometimes you need to generate a new ``SECRET_KEY`` so now you can generate it using this command:
$ python manage.py generate_secret_key
Sample output:
$ python manage.py generate_secret_key
SECRET_KEY: 7,=_3t?n@'wV=p`ITIA6'CUgJReZf?s:`f~Jtl#2i=i^z%rCp-
Optional arguments
1. ``--length`` - is the length of the key ``default=50``
2. ``--alphabet`` - is the alphabet to use to generate the key ``default=ascii letters + punctuation symbols``
Django settings keys
- DOMAIN_NAME - Domain name, ``'www.example.com'``
- WWW_ROOT - Root website url, ``'https://www.example.com/'``
- IS_DEV - Current environment is development environment
- IS_PROD - Current environment is production environment
This open-source app is brought to you by Tivix, Inc. ( http://tivix.com/ )
- Change for Django 2.X
- Change for Django 1.10 - render() must be called with a dict, not a Context
- Django 1.10 support
- README.txt invalid characters fix
- Add support for custom user model in EmailBackend
- Fixes for DB fields and management commands
- compatability code moved to compat.py
- ``generate_secret_key`` management command.
- Fix relating to https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17627, package name change.
- Pass form fields with HiddenInput widget through render_form_field
- string.format usage / other refactoring / more support for Python 3
- PEP8 codebase cleanup.
- Improved python3 support.
- Django 1.8 support.
- Added python3 support.
- Changed mimetype to content_type in class JsonReponse to reflect Django 1.7 deprecation.
- Django 1.7 compatability using simplejson as fallback
- Added support for attaching content to emails manually (without providing path to file).
- Added LoginRequiredMixin
- Added support for Django 1.5
- Added fixes in nested inlines
- Added support for a multi-select checkbox field template and radio button in render_form_field
- Added Test Email Backend for overwrite TO, CC and BCC fields in all outgoing emails
- Added Custom File Email Backend to save emails as file with custom extension
- Rewrote fragments to be Bootstrap-compatible
- root_path deprecated in Django 1.4+
- Added self.get_inline_instances() usages instead of self.inline_instances
- Changed minimum requirement to Django 1.4+ because of the above.
- Added nested inline templates, js and full ajax support. Now we can add/remove nested fields dynamically.
- JsonpResponse object for padded JSON
- User time tracking feature - how long the user has been on site, associated middleware etc.
- @anonymous_required decorator: for views that should not be accessed by a logged-in user.
- Added EncryptedTextField and EncryptedCharField
- Misc. bug fixes

Release historyRelease notifications













0.4 /call-of-duty-2-multiplayer-key-code-generator.html.


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Files for django-common-helpers, version 0.9.2
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Filename, size django-common-helpers-0.9.2.tar.gz (37.8 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

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